August 6, 2007

The Good Samaritans!

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:50 am by Martin

I was driving over to see my parent in-laws new house Friday evening not paying any particular attention to a drive I have made several times before. It was just after 4pm and the traffic was not too bad yet. I turned onto a local tree lined road and sped up to the posted 45 mph, suddenly the two cars in front of me swerved and I immediately applied my brakes!

Right there in the middle of the road was a rather chubby little white dog. She was waddling rather than walking and was lucky the drivers in front were observant. Anyone adjusting their radio or talking on a phone would have hit the wandering dog.

I came to a halt and watched the little dog wander into a small subdivision ahead and to my left. As the owner of four dogs myself I know what it feels like to think that one is lost so I pulled over and tried to coax her towards my truck. Well after a short exchange of looks I somehow gained her trust and picked her up and put her in the back of my truck with the AC on extra cold. It appeared that a midday stroll had taken its toll on her and she was in dire need of a cool glass of water.

To cut a long story short I ended up taking her to a local vets office and they agreed to keep her over the weekend to allow my wife and I a chance to post some flyers and try to locate her owners.Bubbles the Bichon Frise

My wife and I spent Saturday with our friends and decided to devote our Sunday to posting flyers and trying to find her real home.

Our first port of call was the tree lined street that I found her on and after posting at least six flyers on telegraph poles we saw a rather lonely looking hand written sign in the distance!

“LOST, white Bichon Frise, REWARD”

Our spirits lifted at once and I immediately called the number on the flyer.

We eventually managed to re-united the very happy owners with their dog, all they had to do was pay $44 for boarding at the vets. Needless to say we did not take any reward, I just hope someone would stop and pick up our dogs if any of them got loose.

It just goes to show, most clouds do have a silver lining and we felt extremely happy that we managed to re-unite a lost dog with her owners!

Our store has recently started stocking a range of organic soaps designed just for washing your proud pooches! They are made from all natural ingredients and are the best dog soaps we have tried.

All Natural Organic Dog Soap and Shampoo

View them here at The Day Lily Cottage.